Meet of Leading Team

Our company directly employs over 50 specialists

Robert Segal

General Manager & Company's Founder

Robert holds a B.Sc. in Biotechnology and Food Engineering from the Technion and an M.B.A. from the Reichman University

Robert Segal is our General Manager and one of the company’s founders. Robert handles the firm’s business development and ongoing management as well as pursuing innovative new products and services and forging strategic partnerships in Israel and overseas.
Robert is a member of the Israeli Chamber of Commerce International Committee, representing its members in Standard Committees at the Standards Institution of Israel.
Robert is a key lecturer on food regulatory affairs for academic institutions, industry and various business forums. Robert also provides organizations with strategic consulting services regarding food safety and regulatory affairs.
Robert has over three decades of experience in the fields of food quality and safety, including the management of the Food and Agriculture Dept. at BVQI Israel (IQC – Institute of Quality Control). Robert is among the founders of the field of Food Regulatory Management in Israel, and played an active consulting role, on behalf of the Manufacturers Association of Israel, in formulating the Public Health Protection Law (Food).

Trustworthy Team

We have highly qualified and professional teams.