Meet of Leading Team

Our company directly employs over 50 specialists

Ella Rabin

Sustainability and EHS Division Manager

Ella holds a BA in Environmental Studies and an MA in Natural Resources and Environmental Management. In the past, she worked in the IDF’s Environmental Protection Administration and in environmental management for the food industry

Ella Rabin manages our sustainability and EHS division, which employs project managers in the fields of sustainability, environment and employee safety. 

In addition, Ella supports project management in the field of management systems based on standards: ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001. At the same time, she is engaged in the fields of consulting for industry; Compliance audits for legal compliance, air quality, wastewater, hazardous materials, waste and more. Due to her experience in the field of regulation, Ella supports clients in cases that require representation before various regulatory bodies. In addition, she manages and conducts professional courses, seminars and intra-organizational training. 

Trustworthy Team

We have highly qualified and professional teams.