Meet of Leading Team

Our company directly employs over 50 specialists

Michal Shwartz

Human Resources Manager

Michal holds a B.A. degree in behavioral sciences and a Master’s degree in law from Bar Ilan University. She holds an NLP practitioner diploma and is a member of the International Association of NLP Institutes. Michal also has a diploma in career consulting

Michal manages the whole employee lifecycle and is responsible for building and implementing HR strategy, practices, policies and procedures. She believes it is important to create conditions and a culture for our employees that will strengthen their sense of joy, confidence and pride with regards to the company, its customers, and above all, their own personal value. Michal has more than 14 years of experience in different HR practices: employee experience, talent acquisition, employer branding, employee wellbeing, OD & Training and extensive knowledge of local labor laws.

Trustworthy Team

We have highly qualified and professional teams.