Sustainability Strategy(ESG)

Our Services

Sustainability is becoming one of the most important issues that have to be addressed by companies due to various reasons- regulations, customers expectations, financial benefits, risk mitigation, public relations etc. Sustainability, also referred as ESG, has three main different aspects- Environmental, Social, Governance.

Companies realize that they must address these issues, but might straggle with best practices and “get lost” when they face hundreds of different standards, frameworks, labels and ratings. The correct approach would be to start establishing a “sustainability strategy” that meets the organization’s needs.

Service content:

  • Background analysis (global trends, benchmark and best practices research, relevant global regulation, forums relevant to the company’s activity sector, etc.)
  • Benchmark- leading companies in the sector, customers, competitors etc.
  • Basic mapping of stakeholders’ expectations and materiality assessment for ESG and Impact topics.
  • Establishment of a sustainability and Impact strategy for the company based on the information collected, the strategy will include: Definition of activity focuses for the company and defining short- and long-term sustainability goals.
  • Data collection for current status (activity focuses for the company, for example: energy, waste, diversity and inclusion, volunteering, healthy nutrition and more.
  • Preparation of a work plan to implement each selected goal; for example, in carbon topics, the plan will include reference to reduction in the production plants, supply chain, establishment of appropriate infrastructures, carbon offset strategy, and more. The detailed plan will include innovative initiatives, partnerships, and practices adapted to emphasize action differentiation and promote sustainability per the determined strategy/goals.
  • Establishing a steering team, working groups, etc.
  • Accompanying key staff and leading managers in implementing the plan in their fields of responsibility.
  • Compliance/disclosers based on different frameworks/standards (for example- CDP, GRI, SASB, TCFD, EcoScore, SBT, EcoVadis and more)
  • Communication and marketing – internally and externally (in collaboration with PR/marketing team).