Food Regulatory Surveys

Our Services

Food Regulatory Surveys


Food regulatory surveys help manufacturers and importers compile regulatory data from various sources around the globe.

The surveys support the company’s decision-making process in various contexts:

  • Product Development
  • Product Safety Risk Survey 
  • Food ingredient or product approval with the regulator
  • Update product standards
  • Provide additional information concerning legal claims We employ various regulatory specialists with extensive experience in composing dozens of specified regulatory surveys and adapting them to the client’s specific needs.

The Service Includes:

  • Understanding consumer needs (Knowledge Gap): the purpose of the analysis
  • Central regulatory sites review, such as the European Union, U.S. (FDA, USDA), Codex (WHO/WTO), Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and other destination countries
  • Compiling and analyzing relevant articles
  • Producing a customized document tailored to the customer’s needs
  • For more information, please get in touch with our office by email: